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Five gallons  (~0.7 cubic ft) of finished, unsifted compost.

This is our finished compost product AS IS. A bit chunkier and can be used as a mulch compost for top dressing larger areas, gardenbeds, or mixed with soil in a raised bed


**disclaimer: may contain contaminants such as plastic, rubber bands, forks, lint, food wrappers and large wood chips**


It is created from our community's food scraps, cardboard, paper products and wood chips.

Bagged to order = Please allow 3-5 days for us to sift and bag your compost. Currently, our compost is bagged in 100% thrited cotton t-shirt bags or bags made from discarded hotel linens. We help reduce the number of textiles overburdening our thrift stores and divert them from the landfill. We gladly accept the bags back to reuse as well.

Compost can be picked up in Kapaa, Wailua, Kilauea, or Lihue.

If you'd like to order in bulk (>1 cubic yard = >200 gallons) please send an email to with the amount you'd like.

Finished Compost (0.7 cubic ft - unsifted)

  • Our compost microbes can break down materaisl quickly. Please make sure to put your compost in another container (ie. bucket, tote) before the microbes eat through the cotton tshirt bag.

    Want to know how to apply your compost? Check out our blog post for some recommendations.


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